Failure to Launch
Rule 1 - never use the word "failure" in the title of a project. Starring Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker , both favoured actors for my wife and myself, I thought this would be a bright and funny film. Sadly, it was overly predictable and completely failed to get off the ground. The plot: McConaughey's character, Tripp, is a thirtysomething guy still living at home with his parents. Apparently, he had a trauma - fiance died - and every since has gone from one shallow relationship to another. When he's ready to break up he just brings them home and surprises them with the horrific secret - he stills lives with his parents. Paula, played by a plastic version of Sarah Jessica Parker, is a motivational coach. She dates guys who live at home to give them the confidence to move out. Tripp's parents hire her. Needless to say, you'll be able to guess the rest so it's no secret to say that she falls for him, he falls for her - but panics and tries t...