V for Vendetta
A Wachowski brothers film (written, not directed), this is based on the DC Comics character, but infused with modern political commentary. "V" ( Hugo Weaving ) is the brave terrorist fighting against an authoritarian British Government led by Chancellor Adam Sutler (played rather nastily by John Hurt - who to those 'too young to remember' played Winston Smith in the 1984 film version of George Orwell's 1984 , starring alongside Richard Burton). The plot: Young woman Evey Hammond ( Natalie Portman ) is out to see a friend one night and gets caught by some 'finger men', who seem to be an English version of Hitler's SA, but without the brown shirts. They're just thugs and want to rape her - enter "V", who saves her and brings her to a roof-top to watch him blow up a government building. The story then begins of V's plan to undermine and bring down the '1984'-like government. He is acting out the infamous gunpowder plot of 16...