Superman Returns

New actors: Brandon Routh (Superman), Kate Bosworth (Lois Lane), Kevin Spacey (Lex Luthor) and Frank Langella (Perry White). Same story, very same story.

The plot: Well, um, Superman returns. Okay, it's a bit more complicated than that, but not much.

It has been five years since astronomers found what they believed were the remains of Krypton - Kalel's home planet. So he set off to see if anyone is still there. Turns out it was a wild goose chase, but the Man of Steel forgot the first rule before you set of on a long jounery - tell someone where you're going. He left Lois Lane wondering where the hell he had gone. She had a child and moved on and met another guy who could fly (a plane) - Perry White's nephew Richard.

Lex Luthor is released on parole from a double life sentence in prison because Superman didn't show up at the parole board hearing? What sort of country is this that even considers parole for a psychopath on a double life sentence? Is it some alternate universe where Dukakis beat GHW Bush in 1988?

Superman's return is treated as a second coming by most of the planet, but Lois is a bit cooler. After all, he just up and left her without a word.

Needless to say, Lex Luthor recalls his previous trip to Superman's fortress of solitude in the Arctic and returns to claim the technologically advanced crystals - he has nefarious plans for those that involve global domination and the deaths of billions.

I won't go further into the details of the plot because it is far too thin and easily ruined. Suffice to say that the writers clearly just thought they'd copy the first Superman film - almost literally.

In summary: This is almost a homage to the first, Christopher Reeve Superman film. The score is essentially the same. The sign-off is the same. Brandon Routh is very Reeve-like in the role. They even drag out archival Brando footage from the first film.

While I enjoyed it, this was clearly a film without much in the way of new ideas. Was it the right balance between the new and the old - the best way to continue a franchise that had gone wrong in sequels III and IV? I think so.

However, was the film lacking in the depth of plot? I think so too. There just wasn't enough to bind over two and a half hours of film together. The plot was wafer thin and Kevin Spacey's Luthor just didn't get to be diabolical enough.

Nevertheless, director Bryan Singer was clearly focussed on the relationship between Superman and Lois Lane, which is awkward at first and only becomes worse. While the premise of her having the child and moving on with a new man sounded good, in having her engaged and living with another guy - who rivals Superman in mensch-like qualities - Singer makes it impossible to reach a satisfying conclusion. If I wanted an emotionally turbulent and unsatisfying ending I'd watch any number of contemporary romances or romantic comedies (perhaps I was?).

Moreover, the focus on Superman and Lois is to the detriment of both Spacey's Luthor, which could have been given more rope, and Frank Langella's Perry White - who was reduced to a shadow of the actor's capability. And don't even get me started on the wanky Jimmy Olsen!

The Casablanca comparison: Substitute Rick or Superman for the "Guy" and Ilsa or Lois for the "Girl" - Guy and girl were together but are separated. Guy and girl have the chance to get back together but there's another guy as a third wheel. So the first guy steps back and watches them have a happy life from afar.

The rating: 6.5 out of 10. I'm not saying that I didn't like Superman Returns - clearly a score above 5 means that I did. I am concerned about the fixation on the Superman-Lois relationship at the expense of the Luthor plot, which is the main reason for the markdown. Brandon Routh is clearly the best part of the film - he is a great Superman and will clearly do exceptionally well in any sequels.

P.S. The twist in the film, though heartwarming, isn't exactly skillfully crafted and portrayed.


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