Dr Jones, there's no way down from this ledge. I should have known that it was a bad idea to see this film, but my wife's little brother wasn't interested in The Hulk or Sex in the City (thank heaven). George Lucas should never again be let near a motion picture. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the Lucas household for a few days, just to listen in on the conversation and figure out if George & co. really speak in the same ridiculous, turgid dialogue the way his characters do. The plot: It is the late 1950s and Indy (Harrison Ford), still wearing the same gear, made it through World War II working for the OSS (war-time equivalent of the CIA - except effective). He is kidnapped by an evil Stalinist Soviet version of Boris's Natasha (Cate Blanchet), whose dozens of commandos somehow break into one of the US's most secret installations with amazing ease. This base (where we saw the Ark stored at the end of the first film) is not underground, but rather in...
Two actors who can't believe their luck - they get big paydays and don't even have to show up to promotional events and pretend the movie is not crap. John Wick: Chapter 4 (JW4) is the best of the Wick sequels, not just because it isn't 2 or 3, which we all need to admit were subpar and move on, but because it brings the series to a moderately satisfying conclusion and does so at a good pace. Let's get one key element of modern day cinematic efforts out of the way right now. This film runs 170 minutes, which is far too long for any motion picture. The problem of length has nothing to do with Tik Tok attention spans, weak bladders or even the woeful state of Hollywood scriptwriting in the post-Marvel and woke Hollywood. A medium-sized popcorn cup and drink exhaust themselves before what should be an intermission. If a director is going to force an audience to sit through 3 hours of something, a toilet and restocking break should be provided. Nevertheless, JW4 keeps i...
The Plot: A sinister new threat is revealed to the retired Admiral Picard via a coded message from Doctor Crusher - who has been roaming providing unsanctioned support to the needy with her son Jack, the offspring of her failed relationship with Picard (whom Jean Luc never knew existed). Naturally, he responds and assembles his old Enterprise crew, across the episodes spent unlocking the mystery. Prominent is also Seven of Nine, the main character who was brought in from the Voyager series, supporting Picard on the mission. We meet new characters along the way, including the progeny of other NG alumni, and seasoned character we initially dislike, only to see them in positive lights in the end. The threat is identified and cunningly woven into the history of Star Trek's three main series of the 19900-2000s - Next Generation , Deep Space Nine and Voyager . All the main characters you would hope for are present (except perhaps for the missing Admiral Janeway -...