Star Trek: Picard (Third Season) Boldly Going Back to the Future

The Plot: A sinister new threat is revealed to the retired Admiral Picard via a coded message from Doctor Crusher - who has been roaming providing unsanctioned support to the needy with her son Jack, the offspring of her failed relationship with Picard (whom Jean Luc never knew existed). Naturally, he responds and assembles his old Enterprise crew, across the episodes spent unlocking the mystery. Prominent is also Seven of Nine, the main character who was brought in from the Voyager series, supporting Picard on the mission.

We meet new characters along the way, including the progeny of other NG alumni, and seasoned character we initially dislike, only to see them in positive lights in the end.

The threat is identified and cunningly woven into the history of Star Trek's three main series of the 19900-2000s - Next GenerationDeep Space Nine and Voyager.

All the main characters you would hope for are present (except perhaps for the missing Admiral Janeway - Kate Mulgrew was known to have a tense relationship with Jeri Ryan (Seven), so perhaps that got in the way), even a few real surprise and niche characters returning.

Needless to say, Picard is victorious in the end and the new/old threat vanquished. The plot did a few somersaults and relies more than once on contrivances to bring back or tie in old references, even back to the first season of Next Generation. Yet, given the abominations of the trashing of lore by the likes of the execrable Discovery series, these are very minor quibbles - I would go so far as to say welcome quibbles for the joy of seeing nods to so many previous events and characters.

The Casablanca Connection: If Rick and Ilsa had a child and she'd sent Rick a message, I'm sure he would have responded with just the same determination as Picard. I doubt he'd have brought along Louis or Ugarte, but I can see Sam filling the role of Worf - he must have seen real action with Rick running guns in Ethiopia.

The Rating: 5 out of 5. This is the best of Star Trek and a real love letter to the fans. 

There is talk of a new series, Star Trek: Legacy, following from where this finished off, with Captain Seven in command of the Enterprise NCC-1701-G. I hope this doesn't happen, not because I'm a rusted on Next Generation fan (they are actually my least favourite of the ensembles from original, NGDS9 and Voyager), but because in this woke world of trashing history, I cannot see a way that this type of respect for lore and the spine necessary to maintain it can survive.  If it goes ahead, I hope I'm wrong. I would give it the chance of an episode or two before deciding whether to continue. I did the same for Picard, seasons one and two, with huge disappointment. I'm glad I didn't write off the third season and was rewarded. You'll be glad to give Picard's third season a look and the old man a fitting send-off.

Oh, one last thing: The after credit appearance really wasn't necessary and I'm tired of these after credit scenes that Marvel created. Please stop these as ways to hint at future series or movies.  


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